Flathead County Library

Photography, Videotaping

The duty of fulfilling the Library’s strategic plan is the first priority of ImagineIF Libraries and the filming and photography described below is allowed only to the extent that it does not interfere with the provision of library services and is consistent with the Library’s strategic plan.

Note that any persons filming or photographing on library premises have sole responsibility for gaining all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed. The Library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases. Persons who wish to photograph individuals or groups inside the Library must seek verbal permission from the subjects before doing so.

Staff will terminate any photography, videotaping, or recording session that appears to compromise public safety or security or that is in violation of this policy.

Amateur Photography/Filming

Casual amateur photography and videotaping is permitted in library facilities for patrons and visitors wanting a remembrance of their visit. The use of additional equipment such as lighting is not permitted.

News Media Photography/Filming

The Library has an open door policy for media photographers and reporters who are doing stories or projects that directly involve the Library and its programs. Advance authorization for such photography must be obtained from the Library Director or Director’s designee at 758-2445.

The Library does not grant permission for news media to use its facilities for stories or projects that do not relate to the library itself. It disallows using library facilities as interview venues for unrelated stories, and disallows access to library patrons for opinion polls within its facilities. Any other filmography/ photography will be allowed at the discretion of the Library Director.

Community organizations holding scheduled events or meetings in library meeting rooms may arrange for their own news coverage of their events. Such photography and filming is restricted to the space reserved by the group, and the group is responsible for any necessary releases and permissions.

Library Staff Photography/Filming

The Library reserves the right to document its services and the public’s use of the library. Official representatives of the library may take photographs, film, or use other recording devices within the library and at library-related events and activities for library purposes. These photographs and films may be copied, displayed, published (including on the Library’s and the Library Foundation’s website), in a newsworthy context to inform the public about the Library. Use of photos for publicity or marketing purposes must be accompanied by a release form. This section extends to photographs and filming by library staff at the ImagineIF Library Foundation and Friends of the Library events and at library booths and programs at public events in the community.

Adopted: 02/22/12

Revised: 04/04/18

Revised: 07/21/22

Heidi Roedel, Vice-Chair
Flathead County Library System Board of Trustees

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