ImagineIF Libraries

Who Does What?

September 24, 2024, By in Using the Library.

The Structure of Flathead County Library Decision Makers

Are you confused about who is making the decisions that are making headlines? Check out this flowchart of who does what and how they got the job! Want more details? Scroll down for the breakdown.

Flowchart with the structure of decision makers for Flathead County Library.
Flathead County Commissioners

It all starts with you – the voter! Residents of Flathead County vote to elect our County Commissioners. We have three of them, and they’re like the CEOs of the county. They make important decisions regarding tax dollars, zoning, board appointments (more on that later), and so much more.

Library Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the next group on the list. Here in Flathead County, we have five library Trustees who are appointed by our County Commissioners. When board positions are open, they are announced on the County website. Anyone can apply! The applications go to the County Commissioners who choose who will serve on the Board. The Library Board of Trustees are all Flathead County residents, and their appointments are entirely volunteer positions (they don’t get paid).

The Library Board of Trustees operates according to Montana state law (MCA 22-1-308) and has the sole authority to write the library’s policies, acquire property in the library’s name, and hire the next position on our list: the Library Director.

Library Director

The Library Director is the first person on our decision maker list that works at the library. The Director is a Flathead County Employee, but their position is unique because it’s for a contracted amount of time, usually 3-5 years. When that time is up, they need the Trustees to renew their contract to keep their job! The Board also sets the Director’s salary, so while they don’t tell the Director what to do in their day-to-day work, they have a lot of power over who the Director is, and what kind of talent they attract to the position.

The Library Director along with the board writes the Strategic Plan and works with library management to implement it. The goal of their position is to see the library succeed.

Library Staff

The bottom of the hierarchy is the Library Staff. The library currently has 35 staff members, including full-time department heads, an on-staff janitor and everyone in between. Library staff are Flathead County Employees and perform the day-to-day work of the library.

Open library positions are listed on the County website. Hiring teams are generally made up of senior library staff who conduct interviews and recommend new hires to the Director.

And that’s how the library sandwich is layered!

What about the Foundation and the Friends?

Well, they are like the chips and soda (and maybe the cookie too) that go with the sandwich.

Other Groups

Most public libraries have a Friends of the Library group that are like super volunteers. Our Friends volunteer, advocate, fundraise, coordinate homebound library services, and are staff’s biggest cheerleaders. Most of the funds they raise go toward purchasing supplies for the amazing activities that go along with Storytimes, and toward paying for staff trainings, which staff are required to keep up on. Anyone can join the Friends! Making delicious baked goods isn’t a requirement, but it is highly encouraged😊

Last on our flowchart is the Library Foundation. The Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has its own distinct Director and Board members. Just like a Friends group, many libraries have dedicated Foundations as well. The mission of the Foundation is to fundraise above and beyond the budget we get from tax dollars. That money goes towards big library extras, such as purchasing land and remodeling a building into an incredible new customized library space that’s 4 times the size of what it’s replacing – and then donating it to the county. No big deal.

All public library decision making flowcharts will look a little bit different, but hopefully this helps clarify how it works in Flathead County!

To see the latest headlines about the library, check out our news page.

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